Wednesday 16 March 2011

Thoughts on Project Titles

I think the title I'm going to go with is Medea Fragmented. I like that the title sounds forcible and possibly like something happening against her will. At first I thought something like Fragments of Medea, but while fragments can create an imagery of something shattered, picking up the pieces, I thought that Fragments of Medea was still too kind for what happens in this play.

I'm a little fearful of overusing the word fragment, but I think it's perfect for what I'm attempting to do here. I looked up the definition of it at the online Oxford Dictionary.

n. "a small part broken off or separated from something"
n. "an isolated or incomplete part of something"
v. "break or cause to break into fragments"
from French, or from Latin, fragmentum, from frangere 'to break'

That's the aesthetic vision I have for the piece - a collection of incomplete parts. The use of words like "broken," "isolated," and "separated" also harken back to the themes in the Euripidean text. I also like the violence of the word in the verb form.

Medea Fragmented it is.

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